* Copyright: IRT 2019
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Emitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var inherit = require('../tools/inherit');
* @external EventEmitter
* @see https://nodejs.org/api/events.html
* The CII endpoint of the HbbTV terminal has been disabled.
* @event SyncManager#EVT_CII_DISABLED
* The CII endpoint of the HbbTV terminal has been enabled.
* @event SyncManager#EVT_CII_ENABLED
* An error occured
* @event SyncManager#EVT_ERROR
* @param {string} message A textual description of what happened
* An error occured
* @event SyncManager#EVT_MS_ERROR
* @param {string} message A textual description of what happened
* @exports SyncManager
* @class SyncManager
* @classdesc
* Simplifies the use of the Media Synchroniser Object API of HbbTV 2.0
* <p>SyncManager may fire the following events:
* <ul>
* <li>[EVT_CII_DISABLED]{@link SyncManager#event:EVT_CII_DISABLED}</li>
* <li>[EVT_CII_ENABLED]{@link SyncManager#event:EVT_CII_ENABLED}</li>
* <li>[EVT_ERROR]{@link SyncManager#event:EVT_ERROR}</li>
* <li>[EVT_MS_ERROR]{@link SyncManager#event:EVT_MS_ERROR}</li>
* </ul>
* @example <caption>Enable inter-device synchronisation with video/broadcast</caption>
* var SyncManager = require('hbbtv-lib/cs/sync_manager');
* mediaObj = document.getElementById("vbObject");
* mediaObj.bindToCurrentChannel();
* // wait for presenting state
* syncMan = new SyncManager();
* syncMan.on(SyncManager.EVT_MS_ERROR, on_ms_error);
* syncMan.once(SyncManager.EVT_CII_ENABLED, on_cii_enabled);
* syncMan.once(SyncManager.EVT_CII_DISABLED, on_cii_disabled);
* syncMan.setMasterMedia(mediaObj, "urn:dvb:css:timeline:temi:1:1");
* syncMan.enableCII();
* function on_cii_enabled() {
* log("synchronisation with companion can be started.");
* }
* @constructor
* @augments external:EventEmitter
function SyncManager() {
try {
this.syncMan = oipfObjectFactory.createMediaSynchroniser();
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("Can't instantiate Media Synchroniser");
if (!this.syncMan || typeof this.syncMan.initMediaSynchroniser != "function") {
this.syncMan = null;
throw new Error("No MediaSynchroniser available");
var that = this;
this.syncMan.onerror = this.syncMan.onError = function (/*Number*/lastError, /*Object*/lastErrorSource) {
var errorDescription = "unknown";
var isTransient = false;
switch (lastError) {
case 1:
errorDescription =
"Synchronization is unachievable because the terminal could not delay presentation of " +
"content (represented by a media object added using the addMediaObject() method) " +
"sufficiently to synchronize it with the master media. For example: the buffer size for " +
"media synchronization is not sufficient.";
isTransient = true;
case 2:
errorDescription =
"The presentation of media object(that was added using the addMediaObject() method) " +
"failed. The specific reason is given by the error handler of that media object. ";
isTransient = true;
case 3:
errorDescription =
"The media or the selected timeline for the media could not be found or the media " +
"timeline is no longer present (for media represented by a media object that was added " +
"using the addMediaObject() method). ";
isTransient = true;
case 4:
errorDescription =
" Media object is already associated with the MediaSynchroniser.";
isTransient = true;
case 5:
errorDescription =
"The correlation timestamp set for a media object is null or has an invalid format.";
isTransient = true;
case 6:
errorDescription =
"Inter-device synchronization with a master terminal failed because of unavailability, e.g. " +
"an endpoint is not available or disappeared. Applications should rediscover available " +
"terminals as defined in clause 14.7.2 before continuing with inter-device synchronization. ";
case 7:
errorDescription =
" The call failed because the MediaSynchroniser is not yet initialized.";
isTransient = true;
case 8:
errorDescription =
"The media object referenced as an argument in the call needed to have already been " +
"added to the MediaSynchroniser using the addMediaObject() method, but it has not " +
"been. ";
isTransient = true;
case 9:
errorDescription =
"The media object (that was passed using the addMediaObject() method) is not in a " +
"suitable state to participate in synchronization. See clause 9.7.1. ";
isTransient = true;
case 10:
errorDescription =
"Inter-device synchronization with a master terminal failed because of a fault in protocol " +
"interaction, e.g. the master terminal did not provide required messages or data. " +
"Applications can consider trying again. ";
case 11:
errorDescription =
"Synchronization is unachievable because the terminal could not present the content " +
"(represented by a media object added using the addMediaObject() method) " +
"sufficiently early to synchronize it with the master media. ";
isTransient = true;
case 13:
errorDescription =
"The method call failed because the MediaSynchroniser is in a permanent error state or " +
"because it has been replaced by a newer initialized MediaSynchroniser. ";
isTransient = true;
case 14:
errorDescription =
"The presentation of the master media (that was specified as an argument when the " +
"initMediaSynchroniser() method was called) failed. The specific reason is given by " +
"the error handler of that media object. ";
case 15:
errorDescription =
"The master media object or the selected timeline for a media object could not be found " +
"or the media timeline is no longer present. ";
case 16:
errorDescription =
" The master media object is not in a suitable state to participate in synchronization. See " +
"clause 9.7.1. ";
case 17:
errorDescription =
" The method call failed because the MediaSynchroniser is already initialized.";
isTransient = true;
case 18:
errorDescription =
"The MediaSynchroniser has been replaced by a new MediaSynchroniser being " +
"initialized. ";
case 19:
errorDescription =
"The master terminal has reported that the presentationStatus of the master media has " +
"changed to 'transitioning' (see clause 13.6.3). ";
isTransient = true;
that.log (errorDescription);
that.emit(SyncManager.EVT_MS_ERROR, lastError, isTransient, errorDescription);
// this.syncMan.onSyncNowAchievable = function (o) {
// }
inherit(SyncManager, Emitter);
* Adds the master media to the sync manager, i.e. by calling initMediaSynchroniser. Note: this can be called only once.
* @param {media_object} master - either a A/V or V/B object, or an HTML5 media element in a suitable state for media synchronisation.
* @param {string} tl_spec - a synchronisation timeline specifier.
* @returns {boolean} TRUE if method executed without errors, else FALSE.
* @fires SyncManager#EVT_ERROR
SyncManager.prototype.setMasterMedia = function (master, tl_spec) {
if (this.syncMan == null) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "Internal HbbTV MediaSynchroniser object is null.");
return false;
if (this.masterMedia) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "The media synchroniser already has a master element.");
return false;
if (!master) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "Need to call with a supported HbbTV media element.");
return false;
if (!checkMediaState(master)) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "The media element is not in a sufficient state to get a master in HbbTV media synchronisation.");
return false;
if (tl_spec && !checkTLSpec(tl_spec)) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "The timeline spec is not valid: "+ tl_spec);
return false;
} else if (!tl_spec && !(tl_spec = inferTLSpecFromMedia(master)) ) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "Can't infer timeline spec from given media element.");
return false;
this.masterMedia = master;
this.syncMan.initMediaSynchroniser(master, tl_spec);
this.log("initMediaSync: " + tl_spec);
return true;
* Adds the media object to the sync manager, i.e. by calling addMediaObject.
* @param {object} mediaObject - either a A/V or V/B object, or an HTML5 media element in a suitable state for media synchronisation.
* @param {string} tl_spec - a synchronisation timeline specifier.
* @param {object} cor - an object providing a correlation tuple (support dvbcss_clocks from BBC and MRS formats)
* @returns {boolean} TRUE if method executed without errors, else FALSE.
* @fires SyncManager#EVT_ERROR
SyncManager.prototype.addMediaObject = function (obj, tl_spec, cor) {
if (this.syncMan == null) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "Internal HbbTV MediaSynchroniser object is null.");
return false;
if (!this.masterMedia) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "The media synchroniser is not initialised with a master element.");
return false;
if (!obj) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "Need to call with a supported HbbTV media element.");
return false;
if (!checkMediaState(obj)) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "The media element is not in a sufficient state to participate in HbbTV media synchronisation.");
return false;
if (tl_spec && !checkTLSpec(tl_spec)) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "The timeline spec is not valid: "+ tl_spec);
return false;
} else if (!tl_spec && !(tl_spec = inferTLSpecFromMedia(obj)) ) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "Can't infer timeline spec from given media element.");
return false;
cor = translate_correlation_ts(cor);
this.log("Add media object with " + tl_spec + " : cor " + cor);
this.syncMan.addMediaObject(obj, tl_spec, cor);
return true;
* Removes the media object from the sync manager, i.e. by calling removeMediaObject.
* @param {video|audio|object} obj - either a A/V or V/B object, or an HTML5 media element in a suitable state for media synchronisation.
* @returns {boolean} TRUE if method executed without errors, else FALSE.
* @fires SyncManager#EVT_ERROR
SyncManager.prototype.addMediaObject = function (obj) {
if (this.syncMan == null) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "Internal HbbTV MediaSynchroniser object is null.");
return false;
if (!obj) {
this.emit(SyncManager.EVT_ERROR, "Need to call with a supported HbbTV media element.");
return false;
return true;
* Checks whether a timeline specifier is syntactically correct. Supports CT, DASH, PTS and TEMI.
* @param {string} tls the DVB CSS timeline specifier.
* @returns {boolean} Returns TRUE if correct, else FALSE.
* @private
function checkTLSpec (tls) {
// https://regex101.com/r/MVX8is/2/
var regex = /^urn:dvb:css:timeline:(mpd:period:rel:[0-9]+(:[a-z0-9]+)?|pts|ct|temi:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)$/gm;
return regex.test(tls);
* Retrieves timeline specifier from mime type or URL of the media element.
* @param {object} media element
* @returns {string|boolean} Timeline specifier or FALSE if timeline specifier could not be retrieved.
* @private
function inferTLSpecFromMedia(o) {
if (!o)
return false;
if (o.tagName.toLowerCase() == "object") {
switch (o.getAttribute("type")) {
case "video/broadcast":
return "urn:dvb:css:timeline:pts"; // if apps require TEMI need to specify themselve.
case "video/mp4":
case "audio/mp4":
return "urn:dvb:css:timeline:ct";
case "application/dash+xml":
return "urn:dvb:css:timeline:mpd:period:rel:1000"; // if apps require specific period or tickrate need to specify this themselve
} else if (o.tagName.toLowerCase() == "video" || o.tagName.toLowerCase() == "audio") {
if (o.currentSrc.indexOf(".mp4")>0) {
return "urn:dvb:css:timeline:ct";
} else if (o.currentSrc.indexOf(".mpd")>0) {
return "urn:dvb:css:timeline:mpd:period:rel:1000";
return false;
* Checks whether an object is in a state to be added to the MediaSynchroniser.
* @see HbbTV2.0 chapter 9.7.1
* @param {HTMLElement} o
* @returns {boolean} TRUE if object can be added to the MediaSynchroniser, else FALSE.
* @private
function checkMediaState (o) {
if (!o instanceof HTMLElement) return false;
if (o.tagName.toLowerCase() == "object") {
if (o.getAttribute("type") == "video/broadcast") {
return (o.playState == 2 || o.playState == 1);
} else {
return (o.playState >= 1 && o.playState <= 4);
} else if (o.tagName.toLowerCase() == "video" || o.tagName.toLowerCase() == "audio") {
return (o.readyState >= o.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA) ;
return false;
* Enables inter-device synchronisation for MediaSynchroniser that is properly initialized.
* An event is fired when the service endpoints (e.g. DVB CII) are operational.
* @returns {boolean} true if the SyncManager is initialized properly.
* @fires SyncManager#EVT_CII_ENABLED
SyncManager.prototype.enableCII = function () {
if (this.syncMan == null) return false;
var that = this;
function () {
that.log("enableCII: inter-device sync enabled.");
that.emit (SyncManager.EVT_CII_ENABLED);
this.log("enableCII called enableInterDeviceSync.");
return true;
* Disables inter-device synchronisation. Closes the terminals CII endpoints.
* @returns {boolean}
* @fires SyncManager#EVT_CII_DISABLED
SyncManager.prototype.disableCII = function () {
if (this.syncMan == null) return false;
var that = this;
this.syncMan.disableInterDeviceSync(function (){
* Returns current position on the media timeline
* @returns {number} Current time
SyncManager.prototype.currentTime = function () {
if (this.syncMan) {
return this.syncMan.currentTime;
return null;
* Stops any active MediaSynchroniser, i.e. disables inter-device sync (aka DVB CSS).
SyncManager.prototype.stop = function () {
try {
this.masterMedia = null;
this.syncMan = null;
} catch (e) {
this.log("stop(): " + e);
* Creates an object that type is CorrelationTimestamp, as there was an ambigouity in the specification,
* whether the timestamp required to have the type or not.
* @param {*} m a timestamp on the timeline of the master media.
* @param {*} o a correlating timestamp on the timeline of the slave/other media used for multistream synchronisation.
* @private
function CorrelationTimestamp (m,o) {
this.tlvMaster = m;
this.tlvOther = o;
CorrelationTimestamp.prototype.toString = function () {
return "tlvMaster = " + this.tlvMaster + "; tlvOther = " + this.tlvOther;
function translate_correlation_ts (cor) {
var ts = new CorrelationTimestamp(0, 0);
if (cor) {
if (cor.point && cor.materialPoint) {
ts.tlvMaster = parseInt (cor.point);
ts.tlvOther = parseInt (cor.materialPoint);
} else if (cor.parentTime && cor.childTime) {
ts.tlvMaster = parseInt (cor.parentTime);
ts.tlvOther = parseInt (cor.childTime);
return ts;
* Event name constant for the [EVT_CII_DISABLED]{@link SyncManager#event:EVT_CII_DISABLED} event.
SyncManager.EVT_CII_DISABLED = 0;
* Event name constant for the [EVT_CII_ENABLED]{@link SyncManager#event:EVT_CII_ENABLED} event.
SyncManager.EVT_CII_ENABLED = 1;
* Event name constant for the [EVT_ERROR]{@link SyncManager#event:EVT_ERROR} event.
SyncManager.EVT_ERROR = 2;
* Event name constant for the [EVT_MS_ERROR]{@link SyncManager#event:EVT_MS_ERROR} event.
SyncManager.EVT_MS_ERROR = 3;
module.exports = SyncManager;