Source: cs/cs_manager.js

 * Copyright: IRT 2019
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

var Emitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var inherit = require('../tools/inherit');
var instance = null;

 * Instances of this class provide details of endpoints of a Terminal that has
 * been discovered using the discoverTerminals()
 * @typedef {object} DiscoveredCSLauncher
 * @property {number} enum_id The unique ID of an instance of a CS Launcher application.
 * @property {number} friendly_name A CS Launcher application may provide a friendly name.
 * @property {number} CS_OS_id The CS OS identifier string, as described in clause 14.4.1. of the HbbTV 2 specification

 * An error occured. 
 * <p>Use the [CSMan.EVT_CS_ERROR]{@link CSMan#EVT_CS_ERROR} event name constant
 * to listen for this event.
 * @event CSMan#EVT_CS_ERROR
 * @param {string} errorCode Error code. Following values possible:
 *  <ul>
 *      <li>[ERR_UNDEFINED]{@link CSMan#ERR_UNDEFINED}
 *  </ul>
 * @param {string} message A textual description of what happened

 * A companion screen has been discovered or the discovery timed out.
 * <p>Use the [CSMan.EVT_CS_DISCOVERED]{@link CSMan#EVT_CS_DISCOVERED} event name constant
 * to listen for this event.
 * @param {Array<DiscoveredCSLauncher>} csLaunchers Array of discovered CS launchers.

 * Response of a launch or install request is available.
 * @param {number} responseCode Can have the following values:
 *  <ul>
 *      <li>[OP_REJECTED]{@link CSMan#OP_REJECTED}
 *      <li>[OP_DENIED]{@link CSMan#OP_DENIED}
 *      <li>[INVALID_ID]{@link CSMan#INVALID_ID}
 *      <li>[GENERAL_ERROR]{@link CSMan#GENERAL_ERROR}
 *      <li>[OP_FAILED]{@link CSMan#OP_FAILED}
 *  </ul>

 * @exports CSMan
 * @class CSMan
 * @hideconstructor
 * @classdesc Module for using the Companion Screen Manager API of HbbTV 2.0
 * <p>CSMan may fire the following events:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>[EVT_CS_ERROR]{@link CSMan#event:EVT_CS_ERROR}</li>
 *   <li>[EVT_CS_DISCOVERED]{@link CSMan#event:EVT_CS_DISCOVERED}</li>
 * </ul>
 * @example <caption>Launch a webpage with the remote app2app service endpoint added to the URL.</caption>
 * var CSMan = require("hbbtv-lib/cs/cs_manager");
 * CSMan.once(CSMan.CS_DISCOVERED, on_discovery_finished);
 * CSMan.discover_launchers(10000);
 * function on_discovery_finished (devices) {
 * 	   for (x in devices) {
 * 	       CSMan.launch_html(devices[x].enum_id, "");
 * 	   }
 * }
 * @augments external:EventEmitter
function CSMan () {
    try {
        this.cs_man  = oipfObjectFactory.createCSManager();
        if (!this.cs_man || typeof this.cs_man.discoverCSLaunchers != "function") {
            this.cs_man = null;
    } catch (e) {

inherit(CSMan, Emitter);

 * Get the current base URL of the local endpoint of the application to application
 * communication service.
 * <p>The endpoint is defined in clause 14.5.2 of the
 * [HbbTV 2 specification]{@link}.
 * The usage of this endpoint to communicate between the HbbTV® application and the
 * remote client is described in clause 14.5.1. The URL retrieved by this method shall
 * end with a slash ('/') character.
 * @returns {string} the local app2app service endpoint.
CSMan.prototype.getA2A_local = function () {
    try {
        return this.cs_man.getApp2AppLocalBaseURL();
    } catch (e) {}
    return null;

 * Get the current base URL of the remote endpoint of the application to application service.
 * <p>The URL retrieved by this method shall be the same as the URL carried
 * in the <X_HbbTV_App2AppURL> element as described in clause 14.7.2 of the
 * [HbbTV 2 specification]{@link}
 * and shall end with a slash ('/') character.
 * @returns {string} the remote app2app service endpoint, i.e. the one used by the companion application
CSMan.prototype.getA2A_remote = function () {
    try {
        return this.cs_man.getApp2AppRemoteBaseURL();
    } catch (e) {}
    return null;

 * Get the URL that points to the CSS-CII service endpoint of the terminal that the calling
 * HbbTV application is running on.
 * <p>The URL retrieved by this method shall be the same as the URL carried in the
 * <X_HbbTV_InterDevSyncURL> element as described in clause 14.7.2. of the
 * [HbbTV 2 specification]{@link}
 * @returns {string} the DVB CSS CII service endpoint.
CSMan.prototype.getCII = function () {
    try {
        return this.cs_man.getInterDevSyncURL ();
    } catch (e) {}
    return null;

 * Discovers available CS launchers.
 * @param {number} [timeout=1500] Specifies when discovery shall terminate.
 * @fires CSMan#EVT_CS_ERROR
CSMan.prototype.discover_launchers = function (timeout) {
    var _timeout = timeout || 1500;
    var timer = null;
    var that  = this;
    if (this.cs_man && this.cs_man.discoverCSLaunchers(function (arr) {
        if (timer) {
            timer = null;
            that.emit(that.EVT_CS_DISCOVERED, arr);
        } else {
            that.emit(that.EVT_CS_ERROR, that.ERR_UNDEFINED, "CS Manager: onCSDiscovery called after time out.");
    })) {
        timer = setTimeout (
            function () {
                timer = null;
                that.emit(that.EVT_CS_ERROR, that.ERR_CSMAN_TIMEOUT, "CS Manager: discovery timed out.");
            }, _timeout
        return true;
    } else {
        this.emit(this.EVT_CS_ERROR, this.ERR_CSMAN_NOTFOUND, "CSManager not available.");
        return false;

 * Send launch and install requests.
 * @param {number} enum_id Identifier (enum_id) of a [DiscoveredCSLauncher]{@link DiscoveredCSLauncher}
 * @param {string} payload Information on the app to be launched.
 * @returns {boolean} TRUE if request was executed, else FALSE.
 * @fires CSMan#EVT_CS_ERROR
 * @see Section 14.4.2. of the [HbbTV 2 specification]{@link}
 *   for the definition of the payload format.
CSMan.prototype.send_request = function (enum_id, request) {
    var that = this;
    if (this.cs_man.launchCSApp(enum_id, request,
        function (enum_id, error_code) {
            that.emit(that.EVT_CS_LAUNCH_RESPONSE, enum_id, error_code);
    )) {
        return true;
    this.emit(this.EVT_CS_ERROR, this.ERR_INVALID_ENUM_ID, enum_id, "CSManager: launch failed, enum_id not valid: " + enum_id);
    return false;

CSMan.prototype.to_launch_struct = function (url, type) {
    return {"launchUrl": url, "appType": type};

 * Launches an HTML page on the selected device.
 * @param {number} enum_id Identifier (enum_id) of a [DiscoveredCSLauncher]{@link DiscoveredCSLauncher}
 * @param {string} url a URL to a web site that shall be launched.
 * @returns {boolean} TRUE if request was executed, else FALSE.
 * @fires CSMan#EVT_CS_ERROR
CSMan.prototype.launch_html = function (enum_id, url) {
    if (!this.cs_man) {
        this.emit(this.CS_ERROR, this.ERR_CSMAN_NOTFOUND, "CSManager not available.");
        return false;
    return this.send_request(enum_id, JSON.stringify(
            "launch": [this.to_launch_struct(url, "html")]

 * Launches a native application on the selected device.
 * @param {number} enum_id Identifier (enum_id) of a [DiscoveredCSLauncher]{@link DiscoveredCSLauncher}
 * @param {string} url a URL that is connected with a native application, that is installed on the companion device.
 * @returns {boolean} TRUE if request was executed, else FALSE.
 * @fires CSMan#EVT_CS_ERROR
CSMan.prototype.launch_native = function (enum_id, url) {
    if (!this.cs_man) {
        this.emit(this.CS_ERROR, this.ERR_CSMAN_NOTFOUND, "CSManager not available.");
        return false;
    return this.send_request(enum_id, JSON.stringify(
            "launch": [this.to_launch_struct(url, "native")]

 * Launches a native application with an HTML page as fallback on the selected device.
 * @param {number} enum_id Identifier (enum_id) of a [DiscoveredCSLauncher]{@link DiscoveredCSLauncher}
 * @param {string} url_native a URL that is connected with a native application, that is installed on the companion device.
 * @param {string} url_html a URL to a web site that shall be launched if the native application can't be launched.
 * @returns {boolean} TRUE if request was executed, else FALSE.
 * @fires CSMan#EVT_CS_ERROR
CSMan.prototype.launch_native_html = function (enum_id, url_native, url_html) {
    if (!this.cs_man) {
        this.emit(this.CS_ERROR, this.ERR_CSMAN_NOTFOUND, "CSManager not available.");
        return false;
    return this.send_request(enum_id, JSON.stringify(
            "launch": [
                this.to_launch_struct(url_native, "native"),
                this.to_launch_struct(url_html, "html")

 * Issues an install request on the selected device.
 * @param {number} enum_id Identifier (enum_id) of a [DiscoveredCSLauncher]{@link DiscoveredCSLauncher}
 * @param {string} app_url market specific identifier of an application
 * @param {string} market_id id of a supported market on the companion device, e.g. Play Store, etc.
 * @returns {boolean} TRUE if request was executed, else FALSE.
 * @fires CSMan#EVT_CS_ERROR
CSMan.prototype.install = function (enum_id, app_url, market_id) {
    if (!this.cs_man) {
        this.emit(this.CS_ERROR, this.ERR_CSMAN_NOTFOUND, "CSManager not available.");
        return false;
    return this.send_request(enum_id, JSON.stringify(
            "install": [
                    "installUrl" : app_url,
                    "appStoreId" : market_id

 * Event name constant for the [EVT_CS_ERROR]{@link CSMan#event:EVT_CS_ERROR} event.
CSMan.prototype.EVT_CS_ERROR = "error";
CSMan.prototype.CS_ERROR = CSMan.prototype.EVT_CS_ERROR; // Backward compatibility

 * Event name constant for the [EVT_CS_DISCOVERED]{@link CSMan#event:EVT_CS_DISCOVERED} event.
CSMan.prototype.EVT_CS_DISCOVERED = "cs_discovered";
CSMan.prototype.CS_DISCOVERED = CSMan.prototype.EVT_CS_DISCOVERED; // Backward compatibility

 * Event name constant for the [EVT_CS_LAUNCH_RESPONSE]{@link CSMan#event:EVT_CS_LAUNCH_RESPONSE} event.
CSMan.prototype.EVT_CS_LAUNCH_RESPONSE = "cs_launch_resp";

 * Unspecified error.
CSMan.prototype.ERR_UNDEFINED = 0;
 * HbbTV CS Manager could not be initialized.
CSMan.prototype.ERR_CSMAN_NOTFOUND = 1;
 * Error signalled if the enum_id in a launch or install request does not match a connected CS launcher.
CSMan.prototype.ERR_INVALID_ENUM_ID = 2;
 * The discovery for launcher apps timed out. HbbTV requires that the discovery is finished within a second.
 * @see CSMan.discover_launchers()
CSMan.prototype.ERR_CSMAN_TIMEOUT = 3;

//  Error codes fuer launch_and_install

 * The CS Launcher application has automatically rejected
 * the operation with no interaction with the user of the
 * Companion Screen.
 * This error code is intended for use when the CS Launcher
 * has automatically blocked the operation due to a blacklist
 * feature.
CSMan.prototype.OP_REJECTED = 0;
 * The CS Launcher application has blocked the operation,
 * but it was blocked by the explicit interaction of the user of
 * the Companion Screen.
CSMan.prototype.OP_DENIED = 1;
 * The CS Launcher application has initiated the instruction
 * (launch or install) without a problem. It is assumed (to the
 * best knowledge of the Launcher application) that the
 * launch or installation operation has completed
 * successfully.
CSMan.prototype.OP_NOT_GUARANTEED = 2;
 * The CS Launcher application that is identified by enum_id
 * is no longer available. (i.e. it has become unavailable
 * since discovery occurred), or has never been available.
CSMan.prototype.INVALID_ID = 3;
 * A general error has occurred that meant that the operation
 * could not be completed for a reason other than those
 * described for the other error codes in this table.
CSMan.prototype.GENERAL_ERROR = 4;
 * The CS Launcher application attempted a Launch or
 * Install operation but it is known to have failed. For a Native
 * application, it means that the application could not be
 * launched or installed. For an HTML application it means
 * that an HTML application environment could not be
 * launched.
CSMan.prototype.OP_FAILED = 5;
 * The CS Launcher application received an Install operation
 * (without a Launch operation) but it detected that the
 * requested application is already installed 

module.exports = {
    getInstance : function () {
        if (instance === null) {
            instance = new CSMan();
        return instance;